
Structure - Workplan components

The work plans of the RESCEU project have been developed to support the overall objectives of the project.

International Scientific Advisory GroupPatient Advisory BoardEthics Advisory Committee

Project Management & outreach to stakeholders (WP6)
Presumed risk factors and biomarkers for RSV-related severe disease and related sequelae (WP5)
Prospective data collection (WP4)
Consolidation of health care systems data
Retrospective resource use analyses from existing databases / networks (WP3)
Systematic literature review on RSV and current estimates of burden of disease (WP1)

Among other activities, RESCEU will deliver systematic litera­ture review on RSV disease burden, retrospective data integration and statistical and economic models.

Global and European RSV disease burden estimatesReviews of current RSV prevention and treatment guidelines
High-level RSV Science Policy Summit
RSV data assembly from national routine data and sentinel surveillance systemsRSV economic burden estimates and models to estimate cost effectiveness of RSV interventions

RESCEU will develop a number of prospective clinical studies aimed at addressing the identified gaps and at better understanding the impact of RSV.

Clinical Study 1:
Birth cohort
Clinical Study 2:
Infant case-control
Clinical Study 3:
Older adults >60
Clinical Study 4:

Moreover, RESCEU will work on the identification of bio­markers associated with severe RSV infection and sequelae.

Biomarker Discovery
Literature reviewCase-Control StudyBiobank analysis
Biomarker Validation & fyrther discovery opportunities
Infant Cohort & BiobankElderly CohortCOPD Cohort
Biomarker for disease, immunity and sequelae